
injury prevention

Does stretching improve ankle dorsiflexion mobility?

Research reviewed: Chronic effect of different types of stretching on ankle dorsiflexion range of motion: Systematic review and meta-analysis. The Foot, 34, 28–35. Medeiros et al Optimal ankle dorsiflexion (the ankle bending forward) range of motion is important for every day activity and athletic performance – deficits have been linked to key changes in movements […]

Does stretching improve ankle dorsiflexion mobility? Read More »

This 10 minute warm-up reduced knee & ankle injuries by 36% for basketball players

Research Reviewed: The “SHRed Injuries Basketball” Neuromuscular Training Warm-up Program Reduces Ankle and Knee Injury Rates by 36% in Youth Basketball. Emery et al. JOSPT January 2022 Basketball puts significant stress on the knees and ankle – in multiple directions, movements, and movement planes. This leads to a high prevalence of knee and ankle injuries.

This 10 minute warm-up reduced knee & ankle injuries by 36% for basketball players Read More »

The most effective way to prevent ankle sprains: Strength training (Part 2/2)

Ankle sprains are far too common and account for the most time lost to injury. Dr. Rajpal Brar, DPT – in a two part series, this is part 2 – explains how to prevent them by using neuromuscular training and strength training.

The most effective way to prevent ankle sprains: Strength training (Part 2/2) Read More »

The most effective way to prevent ankle sprains: Neuromuscular training (part 1/2)

Ankle sprains are far too common and account for the most time lost to injury. Dr. Rajpal Brar, DPT – in a two part series, this is part 1 – explains how to prevent them by using neuromuscular training and strength training.

The most effective way to prevent ankle sprains: Neuromuscular training (part 1/2) Read More »